New York Open Center Art of Dying 6 Conference, NYC, October 13-16, 2017

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New York Open Center Art of Dying 6 Conference, NYC, October 13-16, 2017

For a state-of-the art exploration of contemporary teachings on care for the dying and bereaved, consider attending the New York Open Center’s Art of Dying 6 Conference, to be held  at the New Yorker Hotel, in New York City, from October 13-16, 2017.  Visit for more details on how to register for this truly groundbreaking conference.

Among the more than two dozen guest presenters are:

Peter Fenwick, MD                                                 David Kessler
Robert “Tenzin” Thurman, PhD                            Alberto Villoldo, PhD
Henry Fersko-Weiss, LCSW                                   Megory Anderson, PhD
Leslie Blackhall, MD                                               Anthony Bossis, PhD
Amy Cunningham                                                  Jeanne Denney

Simcha Raphael, Ph.D. will be teaching a conference workshop entitled “Afterlife Journey of the Soul in Jewish Mysticism: Implications for Hospice And Bereavement Work” and leading Post-Conference Workshop on “Exploring the Bereavement Journey: An Experiential Workshop.”